Awareness and Having Sex With Groupies

Stuart Davis courageously (and hilariously) takes on the implications of our sexuality, ahem, co-arising with desire and identity: A little awareness goes a long way… toward ruining everything. I used to bang groupies. It was fun. I became a little more aware,...

Norman Fischer’s Zen Primer

Norman Fischer’s Nothing Holy: A Zen Primer is worth the read. It’s brief, informative, and points its readers toward what is both essential and revealing about the crash of the Zen wave in America. (Bows to Shambhala Sun Space)

An enlightened White House policy on wine

Those who know me best are familiar with my appreciation of wine. I also appreciate food, too. There’s such magic and mystery to both wine and food; an infinite expression of Dharma in the glass and on the plate. Paired perfectly, Nirvana is revealed at the...

k.d. lang talks of her practice

There’s an interesting interview that k.d. lang offers over at Shambala. k.d. lang’s album, Watershed, reflects the dramatic changes in her life since she became a committed Buddhist. Here she talks for the first time about her Buddhist teacher and practice....

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