The Partiality of a Global Digital Mind

I had a conversation recently about technology and its ability to effectively disseminate spirituality. On the one hand, there has never been a moment in human history where more information about more wisdom has been more accessible. People who otherwise might have...

As I’ve led groups of meditators over the years, I’ve gotten used to hearing that people are looking for something in their lives that is “spiritual but not religious.” This is understandable since so many feel like they’ve evolved past the traditions they grew up...

Egoic Block, Dharma Bomb

I recently gave a Dharma talk that seemed to just bomb. I’m used to this, though. My A-game isn’t always there now that little kids have been brought into my world. Sleep is a luxury and meditation can easily get interrupted. Dirty diapers, in my current world, trump...

Spiritual Practice Is Not About Happiness

In my experience it is a mistake to equate one’s spiritual path with the pursuit of happiness, as it were. Climbing the mountain of spirit is about becoming increasingly conscious rather than resting in eternal bliss. Mark Vernon writes about this topic in...

An Invitation to Meet Your Life

At last night’s sitting, I read one of my favorite poems. The intent was to clarify what this Path is really about. So often, deep spiritual work is seen as a way to escape from what is going on when in actuality, awakening involves nothing less than an intimacy with...

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