Be Aware

Thought this was interesting: “There are no nouns in the universe, only verbs. Everything is energy, nothing is real”, said Chopra in his opening remarks. Summarizing enlightenment, he said, “Be aware. This is the key to waking up.” Similarly,...

Muslims Throwing Light Upon Themselves

Over at the, Deepak Chopra offers some analysis of Obama’s speech in Cairo: …it was a cobweb-clearing speech. The content wasn’t exceptional. Before Muslims assumed the role of bogeyman after 9/11, any tolerant educated person realized...

When Satan Starts to Gasp

The Washington Post ran an interesting Deepak Chopra article on the evolution of “evil.” …the Devil is the embodiment of absolute evil, the kind that admits no other explanation. His fortunes decline when valid explanations are at hand. It seems to...

A Rush of Anti-Morality

In a very thoughtful piece, Deepak Chopra offers some perspective on Rush Limbaugh’s style of communication and its impact on our perceptions of morality: Before the Eighties there were a handful of right-wing outlets on the air; now there are well over a...

Partial Enlightenment

If it feels like I’m picking on Deepak Chopra a lot, pleas know that this isn’t my intention. It’s just that he’s so prolific that he leaves himself vulnerable to spiritual nit-pickers like me. Over at IntentBlog, Deepak endeavors to define...

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