ISmile258 – Surrender

In this talk, Michael talks about the issue of deep surrender and how it enlivens us. He explains that rather than “giving in,” authentic spiritual surrender is about opening to life’s possibilities. In this field, love abides. This is part of his...

ISmile257 – Accountability

In this talk, Michael talks about the issue of accountability as it relates to our lives. If we can take full responsibility for our lives and full responsibility for our reactions to whatever comes up, we get into a space of perpetual forgiveness and openness. This...

ISmile256 – Presence

In this talk, Michael addresses the issue of being fully with the experience of life as it happens. When we no longer are bound by physical things or mental constructs, we become free. This is part of his PASSAGE series....

ISmile255 – The Way Out of Discomfort

In this talk, Michael addresses the paradox of spiritual fire being fueled and focused by surrender. Taking the inward step allows us to see that we can’t keep anything and yet we learn to accept and, indeed, celebrate this reality as we meet the world. We do...

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