In this Dharma talk, Michael discusses how we can begin to look at pain as an invitation to deepen our perspectives on how we live. This isn’t always easy, but it’s at the core of everyone’s Dharma practice. When we know, in other words, that some disaster is immanent, can we, as Michael points out, “get ready for lots of stinging” in the moments prior to whatever event is coming?

Along these lines, Michael’s talk revolves around how getting on an authentic spiritual path usually is the result of no longer having answers to the questions that are coming up. For example, something in life seems somehow wrong or off. Or we’ve been dealt a blow by life that we simply can’t find our way through. Using these challenges as a way to help along a deep shift in perspective, from a personal one, into one that is oriented from the Deep Singularity of enlightenment, is waiting for each of us.

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