Start By Sitting

Ben Riggs, over at the elephant journal, offers up a nice piece on the basics of practice. In meditation practice, we are not looking for anything. We are simply looking. Buddhism nor meditation make us better people. It is not self-help; rather, it is a process of...

Encore Post – The Ninth Sense

This entry was previously posted in 2008 and is an excerpt from the book, Awake in This Life: a guide for those climbing the Mountain of Spirit. ___ Just as the Eighth Sense is the felt sense of Awareness that is the Source of all things, it is also our...

Encore Post – Nothing Personal

This entry was previously posted in 2008 and is an excerpt from the book, Awake in This Life: a guide for those climbing the Mountain of Spirit. __ As we come off the Mountain of Spirit, we recognize how little about us needs to be defended. This is because we have...

Encore Post – One as All and All as One

This entry comes from the book, Awake in This Life. _____ As man moves towards spiritual freedom, he moves also towards oneness. —Aurobindo Before a person studies Zen, mountains are mountains and waters are waters; after a first glimpse into the truth of Zen,...

Encore Post – No Teachers

This entry comes from the book, Awake in This Life. ______ As we’ve discussed, no person can enlighten another. Some realized people have a gift for pointing out Truth, but you must realize it for yourself. Whenever we meet another with the fullness of our...

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