To Our Muslim Brothers and Sisters

In the service of a conscious evolution of interfaith dialog, here’s Danny Fisher’s open letter on Islamophobia. July 31, 2012 San Francisco, CA USA — As disciples of the Buddha who live in the West, we would like to take the holy month of Ramadan as...

Dialogs With My Teacher #55

January 10, 2011 (#55) Student: What is the most enlightened way to communicate with someone who is very difficult? Michael: The same way I’ve suggested that you speak to someone who complains a lot; listen deeply and speak from a place of open generosity. Student:...

Bill Clinton: Meditator.

While I’m happy for the former presidents choice, I can’t help but wonder how a meditation practice might have affected his choices during his presidency. …in his latest bid to improve his well-being, the Democrat has hired his own personal Buddhist...

Dialogs With My Teacher #54

January 6, 2011 (#54) Student: If there is no self, who sets goals and where do these goals come from? Michael: Goals arise just as all else arises: from Emptiness. They also eventually die back into Emptiness. This basic rule applies to everything, including the self...

Dialogs With My Teacher #53

January 4, 2011 (#53) Student: Can you explain what you mean when you say that our spiritual transition can get ugly when glimpses of the Infinite start to show up? Michael: When the egoic you, or small self, sees that the Infinite You, or Big Self, exists, things can...

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