Yesterday, Michael Paulson’s Articles of Faith Blog addressed media coverage of religion during the presidential campaign season:

…the Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life offer a critical look at how pew3.pngthe news media covered the role of religion in this year’s presidential campaign in a report released today. (The Pew graphic at right shows the percentage of the overall religion-related campaign coverage that focused on each candidate.)

Interesting. Obama took the lion’s share of attention despite YouTube evidence of Rev. Thomas Muthee interesting practices involving Sarah Palin and the rest of her church congregation.

Spiritual Politic’s Mark Silk makes a great point about this in his assessment:

In late September, a Pew report noted ‘the relative lack of attention to Palin’s religious biography within the mainstream media,’ and nothing happened afterward to require altering that assessment.

Regardless of the amount of coverage, I’m fascinated by the implications of what the mainstream media finds most valuable to offer its consumers. Will their choices help us to consciously evolve at anypoint in time, or is fear what will continue to drive the delivery of information?

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